This Party Political Broadcast has been realized by the Labour Party for the Political Election of 2010 illustrates the damages caused in 28 days from the Conservative Party. On the screen are displayed some sentence such as "Job Lost" or "NHS cuts", followed by scaring pictures pertinent to the issues. In the final part, on the 28th day, it is showed a gay who goes out of the hospital where he was hospitalized, and he finds all the city completely destroyed with no one survived. On the screen it appears the writing: "From the creators of mass unemployment, major recession, wrecking the NHS. The Conservative Party". And then at the end: "Don't vote Conservative in 28 days".
This viral Party Political Broadcast uses the "Negative" tone that is in a strong contrast with the typical pragmatism of the Labour Party. In the ads the spectator faces a devastated England, where the human genre doesn't seem to exist anymore. This scenery wants to evoke what was happening in the 28 days of the Conservatives' government and indeed it stimulates a reflection on which consequences could happen with a new Conservative mandate.