This Party Political Broadcast has been realized by the Conservative Party for the Political Election of 2010. During the all viral political ads, the camera maintains the focus on an infant and a voice over says: "Dad's nose. Mom's eyes. Gordon Brown's Debt", explaining that thanks to the Labour's debt crisis, every children in Britain is born owing £ 17,000 therefore they deserve better. The ads finish with the slogan of the party appearing on the screen: "Now for Change".
This Party Political Broadcast, with a duration of just 20 seconds, maintains the typical aspect of the commercial ads thanks to its persuasive slogan and images that achieve the emotional sphere of the spectators. This ads can be collected in the "seduction" genre that generally is not used within the British political campaign. However it is a clear example of how this genre is particularly efficient to realize the negative propaganda thanks to its moderate language and style. Indeed the spectators are emotionally involved and leaded to a more rational reflection.